Toys for Tots
The Cedar Valley Detachment of the Marine Corps League actively supports the Marine Corps Reserve's Toys for Tots Program. Each year, we assist the Marine Corps Reserve by acquiring new, unwrapped toys to be delivered to less fortunate youngsters.
Color Guard Detail
The Marine Corps League actively performs Color Guard ceremonies throughout Eastern Iowa. We participate in parades, sporting events, funeral details, and veteran-oriented affairs throughout the year.

Eastern Iowa Honor Flight
The Cedar Valley Detachment sponsors and supports Eastern Iowa Honor Flight. The Honor Flight transports Veterans to Washington, DC to visit memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of America's veterans.
Eagle Scout Awards
The Marine Corps League considers it an honor and a privilege to recognize those who attain the rank of Eagle Scout. If you have a scout who is earning his Eagle, please contact us to arrange for the scout to receive the Marine Corps League's "Good Citizenship Award."